Shamanic Practitioner - Reiki & Crystal Energy Healing in Custer South Dakota (307) 321-1626

Reiki Healing Energy Sessions

Reiki & Crystal Healing Sessions in Custer South Dakota

Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) means universal (Rei) and life force (Ki). Energy flows and circulates throughout the body but can be disrupted by physical, mental and emotional distress. Reiki is an accepted complementary therapy to Western medicine and is offered in a growing number of hospitals.

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Traditional Reiki

People who receive Reiki treatments often express a sense of connection to their own innate spirituality, or inner source of meaning.

Crystal Fusion

Crystals can be used with Reiki to move, absorb, focus, direct and diffuse energy within the body.

Distance Reiki

If we are unable to work together in person, I am able to provide Reiki from a distance by focusing my attention on these energy fields.

Reiki Healing Energy Sessions Custer South Dakota

The energy of love that never ends

Touch is increasingly recognized as being essential to human health and shows a compassion that penetrates our pain to bring about relief. Reiki will be your connection to your inner self. 

“Reiki” is of Japanese origin, “Rei” means spiritual wisdom and “Ki” means energy. Mikao Usui (1865-1926) is the great man responsible for bringing Reiki into existence as a practice.

Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive, energy based healing practice. Reiki has a long, complex history and has undergone several transitions since coming to the West.

Throughout its history, it has been used to promote rest and stress relief and has been known to support general menntal and physical healing from various illnesses and injuries. Reiki is a system and practice leading the individual back into the depths of their “true inner self”.

Reiki can also allow your emotional system to become more aware of blockages and release trauma, freeing the body to have more energy to clear and renew. Reiki can improve emotional health, pregnancy, chronic pain, anxiety, sleep, digestion, and illness.

Reiki is the fastest growing energy practice on the planet and has been well received by Hospitals and alternative Medicine.

Reiki is a spiritual, vibrational healing practice used to promote balance throughout the human body. Reiki works with the subtle vibrational field that surrounds and penetrates the body.

Reiki treatment is usually implemented by light, non-manipulative touch, given to a clothed recipient. People who receive Reiki treatments often express a deep connection to their own spirituality and inner source of meaning.

There is no religious belief system attached to Reiki, and it can peacefully co-exist with whatever religious or spiritual beliefs or views that you may hold.

Some people practice or receive Reiki to strengthen their physical or mental wellness. Others use it to cope with ailments or symptoms, such as pain or fatigue. Some use it to support their traditional medical care, even in cases of chronic/terminal illness or “end of life” care.

According to a national survey published in 2007, 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children received one or more sessions of an energy therapy such as Reiki during the previous year.

Reiki: Understanding Your Chakras

CROWN = Violet & White

Spirituality, higher consciousness, values, selflessness, connection to source, trust and understanding in life’s purpose.

THIRD EYE = Indigo

Perception of the world, intuition, emotional and mental intellect, openness to new ideas

THROAT = Sky Blue

Communication, speaking your truth, your will, freedom of choice, judgement, criticism

HEART = Green

Love & hate, forgiveness of self & others, hope, grief, loneliness, anger, depression


Fear of being controlled or out of control, ability to get things done, will power, self esteem, confidence, fear of intimidation, anger festers here and spreads into vital organs

SACRAL = Orange

Physical pleasures, creativity, sexuality, children, wounds and honor around relationships, addictions, exercise habits, sleep patterns, emotions, thoughts about appearance —often people hold betrayal issues in sacral

ROOT = Ruby Red

Physical security, survival, finance, career, home, ability to take care of oneself, trust in the world, sense of belonging, basic needs (clothing, food, possessions) —often fear will build up in peoples knees.

Woodland Waters Healing Energy

Custer South Dakota

Sharon Bielmaier
Shamanic Practitioner

✓ Reiki Master/Teacher
✓ 2020 – Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Practitioner
✓ International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP)
✓ Professional Liability Malpractice Insurance

✆ Click to Call (307) 321-1626


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Your appointment date will be confirmed via email.
Maximum 3 hour sessions.