Shamanic Practitioner - Reiki & Crystal Energy Healing in Custer South Dakota (307) 321-1626

House Energy Clearing

Clear Your Space & Make It Yours in Custer South Dakota

My ability to see and hear spirits and entities allows me to help you with unwanted presence in your life. With true intention you will play an important role in removing an intrusive presence from your life. In person or remotely, together we can return peace and harmony to your space. Clearing old energies in your house is important for creating a harmonious home environment. Sometimes people have left their home for reasons that involve pain, suffering, regret and other negative emotions that leave behind negative energies.

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Reiki Sessions

Rei-ki translates as Universal Energy. Reiki gently helps us recalibrate to our own intrinsic state of balance and well-being. When balanced, the body can access its own healing ability.

Crystal Sessions

Crystals have been used throughout history for healing. Crystals work with the human energy field and can move, absorb, focus, direct and diffuse energy within the body.

Oracle Readings

The Tarot is a spiritual tool used when searching for a deepening inner awareness and a connection with your soul. The tarot will provide you with the energies of the present.

House Clearing Custer South Dakota

Your home is your haven, but it is also where we can emote some of our most negative energies. Think about all of the current and past energies that reside in your home from electric cables, cell phones, microwaves and other energy field systems. Our actions and habits affect your environment.

Your home living space is like a sponge. Whatever happens in your space is absorbed into the walls, furniture, carpet, ceiling, and objects. These negative energies can accumulate in the corners of your home. Energy debris can be a result of negative emotions and stress that you have experienced in your space. Your sadness and fear have been absorbed by your home.

Older houses that have been occupied by people before you, those energies have accumulated over time and are connected to the tragic events of the past. Without talking about the land itself, that can carry energy from people and places before us.

Clearing physical clutter is the first step in clearing any space. The second step is to smudge the whole space and remove the old energy debris that has built up over time. Once this is done, the energy of the space lifts, brightens, and circulates freely

When should you clear your home energy?

  • When moving into a new space
  • After you remove physical clutter
  • After a roommate/companion moves out
  • After a strong argument or fight
  • After a divorce or break-up
  • After an illness or death
  • After a robbery or home invasion
  • Anytime you desire fresh energy for a new project or beginning
  • If you or your children don’t sleep well, or have numerous nightmares
  • If you suspect the presence of a ghost or other malevolent energy
  • If things just don’t feel “right”

Woodland Waters Healing Energy

Custer South Dakota

Sharon Bielmaier
Shamanic Practitioner

✓ Reiki Master/Teacher
✓ 2020 – Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Practitioner
✓ International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP)
✓ Professional Liability Malpractice Insurance

✆ Click to Call (307) 321-1626


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Your appointment date will be confirmed via email.
Maximum 3 hour sessions.