Shamanic Practitioner - Reiki & Crystal Energy Healing in Custer South Dakota (307) 321-1626

Crystal Healing Energy Sessions

Vibrational Energy Healing Using Crystals in Custer South Dakota

Crystals have been used throughout history for healing. Crystals work with the human energy field and can move, absorb, focus, direct and diffuse energy within the body. Working with crystalline energy helps the body to find it’s natural rhythm.

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Crystal Sessions

Crystals have been used throughout history for healing. Crystals use the energy field to direct and diffuse energy within the body.

Crystal Grids

Crystal grids are laid out in specific patterns around the body to aid in chakra balancing and help determine which areas need more attention.

Reiki/Crystal Fusion

Crystals can be used as part of a traditional Reiki healing session. A crystal/Reiki “fusion” session provides extended energy benefits.

Crystal Healing Energy Sessions Custer South Dakota

Vibrational Energy Healing Using Crystals

Crystal healing is basically the laying of stones of different vibrational rates onto the body in order to effect healing and change. It may also involve laying out different crystal grids in specific patterns around the body. Crystal grids can enhance crystal energy properties and direct energy.

I use many different types of crystals to balance your body. Each session is specific to your needs and no two crystal healing sessions are alike. I review which stones I used and what their properties are, but “read” the layouts and how that information relates to your healing process.

This can reveal several points about your present energetic situation, and give you valuable insight on how you can begin to heal yourself.

Crystals have a very high rate of vibration. They are utilized extensively in modern technology including liquid crystal diodes in most electronics. They also are used in credit cards, fiber-optic phone lines and laser technology.

Diamonds are marvelous magnifiers of energy, capable of absorbing and enhancing energy. They are incredibly powerful and should always be used with respect. 

Crystals are very much living things, like everything else in the universe. They vibrate at different levels depending on their origin, composition and color. They have certain characteristics that make them valuable elements of reading and adjusting human energy.

I work in partnership with crystals by placing them on or near the body in order to effect healing change. Their vibrational properties effect change in the energy centers of the chakras, clearing out negativity and allowing them to function at peak capacity. We need to be in balance to be in perfect health. Crystals work with us to restore that balance.

Memories are held in our minds but can also be held in our cells, joints and bones. As each cell in our bodies has consciousness, now being scientifically demonstrated by Quantum Physics. A good example of this concept can be found in the images of water crystals. Crystals can help to free up what has become stuck.

Blockages in the flow of energy through the meridians or subtle energy pathways will cause illness or disease in the organs supplied by that meridian. Western medicine finds this hard to accept but Chinese medicine has used the meridians in all their medicine for thousands of years.

Woodland Waters Healing Energy

Custer South Dakota

Sharon Bielmaier
Shamanic Practitioner

✓ Reiki Master/Teacher
✓ 2020 – Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Practitioner
✓ International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP)
✓ Professional Liability Malpractice Insurance

✆ Click to Call (307) 321-1626


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Your appointment date will be confirmed via email.
Maximum 3 hour sessions.