Shamanic Practitioner - Reiki & Crystal Energy Healing in Custer South Dakota (307) 321-1626

Additional Services

Shamanic practitioner course: $1800 or $150/ 12 months
Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and a way of life. It is a spiritual practice cutting across all faiths and creeds. The shamanic core belief is an awareness that everything is connected and all life is one. As a shaman you will be dreaming everything in to being, walking between worlds, be a holder of the vision and heal all generations. This year long course will walk through the medicine wheel one direction at a time, learning the lessons of the elders while deeply healing yourself. South represents emotional, west physical, north mental and east spiritual. By the end of the course you will have received all 9 munay-ki rights. A monthly class will be held and in between you will have time to trade with others in the class to heal and grow through the journey of becoming a full mesa carrier. Work book included

Advanced shamanic practitioner course: $2600 or $200/13 months
This course is designed to support the growth of those who have walked the medicine wheel. During this course you will learn concepts of cosmology & oneness, healing the land, working with land spirits, lineage healing and much more. Work book included.

Shamanic student monthly meeting
To support students in their personal healing journey and skill comprehension, those participating in the Shamanic Medicine Wheel will arrange a monthly meeting. This provides an opportunity for them to ask any questions they may have about the course material and receive private guidance. Moreover, it enables the teacher to monitor their progress and understand their current position in the journey. Additionally, this one-on-one time allows for the transmission of any rites that are ready to be received.

Reiki Practitioner Classes

Usui reiki level 1 practitioner $225
This I day class is designed for those who wish to become a certified reiki 1 practitioner. It is useful for people who wish to use reiki for self-care and to help family and friends: it also includes all the training required to start doing reiki professionally with clients. After completion you will have one guided session with me to kick start your reiki journey. Work book included

Usui reiki level 2 practitioner $350
This one day course is the intermediate level of usui reiki training. At the completion of this course you will be able to further provide progressive reiki healing to yourself, friends, family, pets and clients. Work book included

Prior course needed reiki level 1

Usui master reiki lever 3 practitioner $425
The usui master attunement increases the strength of your reiki energy. At the completion of this 2 day course, you will be able to further provide progessive reiki healing to others and pets. You will be a master level usui reiki practitioner

Prior courses needed reiki level 1 and 2

Usui mater teacher $500
This course is the final course in usui reiki training and prepares the practitioner to become a reiki master teacher. One of the greatest joys of reiki mastership is teaching reiki to others. The joy of sharing reiki to a class and guiding them for the first time as they experience the gentle power flowing through them is a wonderful spiritual connection. Feelings of compassion and love for everyone will be strengthened as you merge with the reiki consciouness and know we are all one

Prior courses needed reiki level 1,2,3

Calming session $100/hr
These sessions use crystals, essential oils, or feathering to help heal your body. By releashing blocked energy your body will heal from illness, tension, anxiety and other diseases. You will feel relaxed, refreshed and renewed

Death rites $100/hr
Death rites practiced by the shamanic traditions provide steps to be reconciliation and healing to both the loved ones and the person dying. This session will help our loved ones start their great journey by clearing our dormant or stuck energy and help them peacefully cross over the (rainbow) bridge

Firefly session $50/ 30 mins
Children love healing too. This session will help clear and rebalance them so they can grow and heal with ease. Calming session with crystals, essential oils or feathering may be used.

Destiny retrieval and soul flight $100/hr
This session will journey you forward and retrieve a desired destiny that is part of your souls journey. This practice will help you step into your highest purpose by time traveling to the akashic records and retrieving your soul’s deepest desire to help the greater good

At this point, we have the opportunity to distinguish between our fate and our destiny. Unlike fate, which is influenced by negative emotional and genetic programming, destiny empowers us to transcend these limitations and live freely. Embracing our destiny means breaking free from the emotional history and karmic cycles that have plagued previous generations. Instead of stumbling through life, we can navigate it with consciousness and purpose. This can be achieved without divine intervention, but it requires us to confront our past wounds and heed the calling of our destiny. By doing so, we can take control of our lives and shape our own future.

Shamanism offers a technique known as spirit flights, which involves journeying to disengage from the physical body and ego in order to gain a higher spiritual perspective. Through this process, I can guide you to the Akashic records where we can uncover the blueprints for your highest possible destiny. This journey can help us avoid repeating the ailments of our ancestors or reliving our own traumas, instead guiding us towards growth and the development of new bodies informed by who we will be in the future. These sessions can be conducted in person or remotely.

Ancestral healing $100/hr
This session will help heal the inherited wounds that are carried from our ancestors that cause negative repeating patterns. During session the negative energies will be broken and your chakras will be realigned with your core beliefs. This not only heals you but also heals your ancestors from the past and future generations. Time will be spent on the gifts handed down from your ancestors which aid in the healing process.

If we don’t consciously choose to confront our wounds, we risk being trapped in a cycle of inherited pain and hurt. Often, we carry the emotional baggage of our ancestors, including negative behavioral patterns that diminish our potential. But inheritance doesn’t only refer to beliefs passed down by our parents; it also encompasses our own thoughts and feelings that have accumulated throughout our life experiences.

Each chakra is associated with different core issues, including emotional, genetic, and karmic histories, traumas, fears, and hurts. Through the illumination process, we can identify and release heavy or negative energies linked to generational patterns and cycles. By doing so, we can disconnect from our family’s emotional history and realign with our own core beliefs. This healing process not only benefits ourselves but also the generations that came before and will come after us.

Additionally, we can explore the gifts passed down through our bloodline that can aid us in our healing journey moving forward. These sessions can be conducted in person or remotely.

Illumination healing $100/hr
Shamanic illumination is the core of the shamanic healing. All of our life, current and past, we hold in our energetic field. Feeling down or out of balance means we have overloaded our energetic field. Cleansing the field and chakras will bring back balance and replenish our energy. Sometimes a chakra is more compromised, during this time we will track down the wound that is causing it and release any negative emotions or energetic cords allowing the chakra to heal and rebalance bringing healing physically and energetically

Shamanic healing is centered around the Illumination, which involves clearing and transmuting heavy energetic residue that has become stuck within our Luminous Energy Field. These energetic blockages can cause us to feel sluggish and slow.

During an Illumination session, I will scan your Luminous Energy Field and work through each of the 7 chakras. By infusing them with light, we can replenish each chakra and restore its natural flow state. We may also identify compromised chakras and track wounds that need to be addressed.

By shedding fear-based stories and releasing heavy energetic cords, we can integrate new healed information into our systems. Through the illumination process, we become “illuminated,” clearing toxic emotional or behavioral patterns and promoting evolution. This healing process not only benefits us on an energetic emotional level but also helps to heal physical wounds and boost the immune system, promoting longevity.

Each session is tailored to your individual needs and can be conducted in person or remotely.

Soul retrieval $100/hr
This session will take you back to a time where a wound or trauma occurred and energetically left a piece of your soul there. We will visit with the soul piece(s) and if they are ready, we will bring them back to the present and restore it to its rightful place.

Trauma is an inevitable part of our lives, and it often causes a part of our soul to flee or hide as a means of self-protection, which is commonly known as ‘soul loss.’ Trauma can manifest in various forms, from obvious events such as injury, assault, or abuse, to more subtle experiences like feeling disconnected or unfulfilled. Soul loss can lead to depression, dysfunctional relationships, and an inability to move forward. Fortunately, soul retrieval can help individuals who feel stuck in their healing journey to have significant breakthroughs. Soul retrieval is a personalized process that involves searching for and restoring willing soul parts that may have been lost at different ages, including any imprints from past lives that may still be present in the energy field. The principle of conservation of energy in quantum physics suggests that fractured soul essence doesn’t disappear but rather takes on a new form, waiting to return to its complete state. However, restoring soul essence is not an instant solution, and individuals must take full responsibility for being actively involved in their healing process. The integration of soul essence takes time, and it involves confronting destructive patterns on the physical, emotional, and psychological levels while being open to the power of quantum, energetic, and spiritual healing. This process can be done in-person or through a long distance session.

Woodland Waters Healing Energy

Custer South Dakota

Sharon Bielmaier
Shamanic Practitioner

✓ Reiki Master/Teacher
✓ 2020 – Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Practitioner
✓ International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP)
✓ Professional Liability Malpractice Insurance

✆ Click to Call (307) 321-1626


Schedule Appointment

Your appointment date will be confirmed via email.
Maximum 3 hour sessions.